Florian Kranhold

Welcome to my webpage! My name is Florian Kranhold and I am a mathematician (and, with less serious ambitions, a musician) based in Karlsruhe and Bonn.

[Florian Kranhold]

Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the working group of Manuel Krannich, specialising in the area of Algebraic Topology. I received my PhD from the University of Bonn, where I wrote my thesis under the guidance of Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer within the graduate programme of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. Here is a brief summary of my studies and affiliations:

since 2022Postdoctoral researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2018–2022PhD studies, University of Bonn
May 2022Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics, Bonn
2015–2018Master studies, University of Bonn
Sep 2018M. Sc. in Mathematics, Bonn
2012–2015Bachelor studies, University of Tübingen
Sep 2015B. Sc. in Mathematics, Tübingen

For further information, have a look at my full academic CV or my ORCID record. If you are interested in courses and seminars offered by our working group, you might want to visit my homepage at the KIT. On this website, you may find selected results of my mathematical activities, including research and lecture notes, and of my musical endeavours.